DANIEL 11 Pg 5


The Antichrist’s identity as the Syrian king of the north is fixed at the time of the end


 11:40  And

[1] at the time of the end shall [this historical chapter of fulfilled prophecy becomes prophetic at this point, it shifts to the time of the end; this verse, along with the rest of this chapter proves that the Antichrist is the Syrian king of the north, who:

(1)     Comes up from among the 10-horn / 10-toe kingdoms of the revised Roman Empire; and

(2)     Arises out of one of the four divisions of the old Grecian Empire (out of either Greece, Turkey, Syria or Egypt—proved in this chapter to be Syria; see also How To Quickly Locate the Antichrist in Scripture]


[a.] the king of the south [Egypt]

[11.] push at him: and

[b.] the king of the north [the Syrian Antichrist]

[11.] shall come against him

[aa.] like a whirlwind,

[ab.] with chariots, and

[ac.] with horsemen, and

[ad.] with many ships; and

[c.] he shall enter into the countries, and

[11.] shall overflow and pass over.


The Antichrist has opposition


 11:41  [1] He shall enter also

[a.] into the glorious land [Israel], and

[2] many [countries] shall be overthrown: but

[a.] these shall escape

[11.] out of his hand, [even]

[1] Edom, and

[2] Moab, and

[3] the chief of the

[aa.] children of Ammon [In these areas the woman of Rev. 12:1, Rev. 12:6, and Rev. 12:13-16 is hidden for 3 ½ years].


The Antichrist shall conquer Egypt


 11:42  [3] He shall stretch forth his hand also

[a.] upon the countries: and

[b.]  the land of Egypt shall not escape.

 11:43  [4] But he shall have power

[a.] over the treasures of

[11.] gold and of

[12.] silver, and over

[13.] all the precious things of Egypt: and

[a.] the Libyans and

[b.] the Ethiopians [shall be] at his steps [these are not the 3 nations uprooted by the little horn of Dan. 7:8, Dan. 7:20, and Dan. 7:24, as neither Greece nor Rome ever ruled over Ethiopia].


More opposition


 11:44  But tidings

[1] out of the east [Iraq and the kings of the east] and

[2] out of the north [Turkey / Russia]

[a.] shall trouble him [they want the money of Dan 11:38, and vs. 43]:

[b.] therefore he shall go forth

[11.] with great fury

[12.] to destroy, and

[aa.] utterly to make away many.


The Antichrist comes to his end


 11:45  And

[1] he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace

[a.] between the seas

[b.] in the glorious holy mountain [the Antichrist breaks his 7-year covenant with Israel (Dan. 9:27)];

[2] yet he shall come to his end, and

[a.] none shall help him (Rev. 19:20).


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