The second woe past / third woe announced

The Antichrist Covenant Week of Years has been concluded


 11:14 [1] The second woe is past [Rev. 9:13 through Rev. 11:13]; [and],

            [2] behold, the third woe cometh quickly [Rev. 12:12].


The seventh angel’s trumpet


 11:15  And

            [1] the seventh angel sounded; and

            [2] there were great voices in heaven,

                        [a.] saying, The kingdoms of this world are become

                                    [11.] [the kingdoms] of our Lord, and

                                    [12.] [the kingdoms] of his Christ [of His Anointed One]; and

                                                [aa.] he shall reign for ever and ever.


 11:16  And the four and twenty elders,

            [1] which sat before God on their seats [thrones],    

            [2] fell upon their faces, and

            [3] worshipped God, Saying,

 11:17             [a.] We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty,

                                    [11.] which art,

                                    [12.] and wast,

                                    [13.] and art to come; because

                                                [aa.] thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and

                                                [bb.] [thou] hast reigned [begun to reign].

 11:18  And [the elders continue]

            [1] the nations were angry [for the judgments of God being manifest in the earth], and

            [2] thy wrath is come, and

            [3] the time of the dead,

                        [a.] that they should be judged, and that

            [4] thou shouldest give reward unto

                        [a.] thy servants the prophets, and to

                        [b.] the saints [Old and New Testament], and

                        [c.] them that fear thy name,

[11.] small and great [the saved nations which gave refuge to Jews during the final 3½ years of this age (Matt. 25:31; Matt. 25:46)]; and 

            [5] [thou] shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth [the Antichrist, etc.].


  11:19  And the temple of God was

            [1] opened in heaven, and there was

            [2] seen in his temple

                        [a.] the ark of his testament:

and there were

                        [a.] lightnings, and

                        [b.] voices, and

                        [c.] thunderings, and

                        [d.] an earthquake, and

                        [e.] great hail.[hail in a time of no rain (c/p. Rev. 11:6)]


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