A prophetic utterance from the Lord, October 6, 2003

[4:47 AM, the day before Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California in a recall election]

            “Yes, saith the Lord, I do like actors, who will read my script and act out my plan, that my will may be manifest throughout the land.  And yes, the last actor who was willing to read my script and obey me in the essential areas, I caused not only to become governor, but I made him President too.

As for Arnold, he too is a chosen vessel who will read my script for what I want to happen in California for ‘now in this time,’ for California is a pivotal state in my plan for this nation and for the nations of the world.  For you see with me all things are connected.  Nothing happens in isolation, but my plans and purposes have veins and arteries that connect vital flows in me from places that you cannot see.

And yes, I do establish kingdoms and I pull them down, and the Davis regime [former Governor Gray Davis] is about to hit the ground, for this buffoon is a stubborn man who will not stand before me even when he knows my plan, which he does more often than you think. 

So, I have removed him from office.  It’s a done deal whether you vote or not.  It’s a done deal because of my people who pray in California, and in other parts of the nation and world, that have opened a doorway for me to move in and run the government.  For I have said in my Word that the government shall be on my shoulders, but what you may not realize, the government is already on my shoulders, and I have already made a change in its California leadership whether you vote or not.  Saith the Lord.

Keep praying, and keep opening up doors for me to move in, and I will be manifest under every green tree, and on every hill.  But, what is more important than what I will do on Tuesday—my angles have already fixed the vote for the changes I intend to make in California—but, more importantly, will you allow me to write the script for your life, and will you be an actor for me?  Saith the Lord.

Politicians are actors.  Some will admit it, but most will not.  But, I can make greater use of an honest actor than a stubborn politician who will not honor me.  But, will you allow me to write the script for your life?  Saith the Lord.

            For it is my plan:  that I desire for you to enter in and walk on through to victory and victory in all the things that are of me. I need more ‘actors for Jesus,’ the Lord of Love, who will read my script throughout the land, and in their daily plan to obey me in this and obey me in that.  For it’s the ‘actors in Jesus’ that I intend to rise up and prosper in these last days beyond their wildest imagination, if they will only believe.

Just shut up and march!  It’s the Jericho plan:  it’s still my script for the souls of man.  So you enter in, each and every one.  Be an actor for Jesus, and even before you’ve begun, I will turn each and every one of you into an actor for me, and you can see, and know, and just believe the love that I have for each of you, and the grace that’s available for you to walk on through to receive your academy award for the “best picture of the year,” the best actor or actress, because of the “performance” you gave in simply walking out my daily plan, my daily script that I have for each of you who will act for me, and read my lines that will set you free.

For I have seen this movie before. and I know the end before you begin, Saith the Lord."

© 2005 Walter J. Taylor, Walter James Taylor

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