One Man Can Stand In the Gap for a Nation 

Ezekiel 22:30-31  And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge1, and stand in the gap2 before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.  Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord God.

1 A place fortified with a wall.

2 Rupture or breach in a wall.  To stand in the gap or breach in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament means to repel the enemy, which would be the act of the bravest soldiers, who would expose their lives to most imminent peril. 

In Wrath Remember Mercy 

 A prophetic utterance from the Lord, September 19, 2004 

Question:  “Father, I see from your Word that one man standing in the gap [building a wall before you] can turn your judgment from off a nation.  I don’t have any problem with my ability under your Anointing to do that.

What I don’t understand is how can I be the prophet with the message of destruction and the intercessor who stands in the gap before you to prevent the very destruction that you sent him into the land to prophesy against:” 

Answer:  "For, you see, there are some things of my Word that have an end, other things are eternal and do not change, like my love, my grace, and my mercy.  My wrath and my [negative] judgments are, however, aspects of my nature that I will take every opportunity that I'm given not to execute, for I delight in mercy, saith the Lord.

When I send a prophet into a land with a Word from me about impending judgment, it is for the purpose of bringing the people to a place of repentance, so that they may be spared—so that I may spare them from the judgment spoken, or even more so, from the judgment written.  There are my judgments which are spoken, and some which are written.  These latter judgments are harder to avoid, but even this is possible, for I have said in My Word, that ‘prophesies shall fail3.’

So then, I find nothing inconsistent with having one of my prophets speak forth a judgment from me, or remind the people of a judgment that has been written, while in the same time to hold back the manifestation of that judgment, to give the people additional time to repent.  This is the longsuffering of my mercy, which is new every morning4, for I am faithful to me, a God of love.

So, then here is your task…to speak forth the judgment that is written on the money and wealth of the land, while at the same time standing in the gap for a wall before me to keep that judgment from falling, while you—with your third simultaneous task—are working to build a national consensus for slavery’s apology and restitution paid.

Speak forth my judgments, stand in the gap to prevent its falling, and work tirelessly to bring the people to a place of repentance and restitution so that the issue itself has an end—I find nothing whatsoever inconsistent with any of this, saith the Lord.” 

Question:  “Brother [Robin] Roberts5 said that the judgment set for next year [2005] could not be stopped, but only that the loss of lives could be minimized.  Am I also powerless to stop this judgment completely?”  [No immediate response.]  “Well, sir.  Am I?”

Answer:  “You are indeed, but not in the same way and for the same reason.  If I did not act now in some definitive way, because of the constant barrage of the devil’s condemnation against the United States, I would be forced by national unrepeated hearts to allow some massive and far greater judgment to hit this nation in the not too distant future, where the destruction, loss of life and financial ruin would be far greater.

So, I must act not, to wake up my sleeping nation, which has become hardened to the issues of slavery and race for over 400 years now.  Enough is enough!  I must act now, and you must act now too, for if you require of me, and bring me into remembrance of my Word, ‘In wrath I will truly remember mercy6,’ saith the Lord.

3 1 Corinthians 13:8.

4 Lamentations 2:22-23.

5 Reverend Robin Roberts.

6 Habakkuk 3:2.  

[For the reader, you may receive this page or not, I’m not going to comment on it.  I have simply given you my marching orders from the Lord.] 

© 2005 Walter J. Taylor, Walter James Taylor

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