3. What shall be the
sign of Jesus’ second coming
to the earth
24:29 Immediately after
the tribulation
of those days
[(Matt. 24:21) after the
7th seal, the 7 trumpet judgments, and the
7 vials of the wrath of God (Rev.
16)] shall
[a.] the sun
be darkened [Mark
13:24], and
[b.] the moon
shall not give her light, and
[c.] the stars
[the forces of darkness;
meteors and meteorites also]
shall fall from heaven [the war in the heavenlies of
12:7 where Satan and his angles are cast into the earth having but a short time
to accomplish his will], and
[d.] the powers
of the heavens [the kingdom
of Satan]
[11.] shall be shaken:
24:30 And
[f.] then shall appear
[11.] the sign
[aa.] of the Son of man
[111.] in heaven: and
[g.] then shall
[11.] all the tribes of the earth mourn, and
[11.] they shall see
[aa.] the Son of man coming [to the Mount of Olives (Zech. 14:4)]
[111.] in the clouds of heaven
[112.] with power and
[113.] [with] great glory.
24:31 And [then]
[1] he shall send his angels
[a.] with a great
sound of a trumpet, and
[2] they shall gather together
[a.] his elect [of the 12 tribes of Israel]
[11.] from the four winds
[from the four corners of the earth],
[a.] from one
end of heaven
to the other.
[3] learn a parable
of the fig tree [the nation, Israel (Mark
13:28; Luke 21:29)];
[11.] When his branch is yet tender, and
[aa.] putteth forth leaves,
[111.] ye know that summer [is] nigh [harvest time]:
24:33 So likewise ye,
[4] when ye shall see
all these things [happening to the fig tree],
[5] know that it is near,
[even] at the doors.
24:34 Verily I say unto
[6] This generation
[the generation that sees all these things]
shall not pass,
[11.] till all these things
[aa.] be fulfilled.
24:35 [7] Heaven and earth
shall pass away, but
[11.] my words
[aa.] shall not pass away.
24:36 [8] But of that day and hour
[a.] knoweth
no [man], no,
[b.] not the
angels of heaven,
[11.] but my Father only [c/p.
Matt. 24:50; Acts 1:7; Matt.
[1] These signs occur after the close of the Antichrist Covenant week, in the 75 days before the second coming of Jesus to reign over the earth (Dan. 12:11-12 ; see also The Chronological Order of Revelation).