24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom
[the good
news of the imminent return of
Jesus for to establish the kingdom of
heaven on the earth]
[1] shall be preached [preached
by Christian Jews before the Rapture of the Church, and
preached by the 144,000 (Rev. 7:1-4) and the two witnesses (Rev. 11:3) after
the Rapture of the Church; and finally, preached by angels
(Rev. 14:6)
following the close of the Antichrist Covenant week and Daniel’s 70th week—see
The Chronological Order of
[a.] in all
the world
[b.] for a
witness unto all nations; and
[11.] then shall the end come
of God
which precedes the
end of the age and second
of Jesus].
Desecration of the temple in Jerusalem at midweek
24:15 When ye therefore shall see
[1] the abomination of desolation
[the Antichrist],
[a.] spoken of
by Daniel the prophet,
[2] stand in the holy place [in the temple in Jerusalem at midweek
(Dan. 9:27)],
[a.] (whoso readeth [reading here is a reference to the disciples
of the end times], let him
Those living in Judea
must flee to the mountains
24:16 Then
[1] let them which be in Judaea [this commandment is given to the
inhabitants of Judea: the West Bank of Israel; it is not given to the Church]
[a.] flee into the mountains
[the remnant of Jews shall be hidden
in the wilderness (Rev. 12:6, Rev. 12:14)
during the
seven trumpet judgments
of the last 3 ½
years of this age,
wrath of God following
the close of the Antichrist Covenant week and Daniel’s
70th week of years.]:
24:17 [2] Let him which is on the housetop
[a.] not come down
to take any thing out of his house:
24:18 [3] Neither let him which is in the field
[a.] return back
to take his clothes.
24:19 And
[4] woe unto them
[a.] that are
with child, and to them
[b.] that give
suck in those days!
24:20 But
[5] pray ye that your flight be
[a.] not in
the winter,
[b.] neither on the sabbath day
[religious Jews keeping the Law of Moses will not want to travel—even for their safety—on the Sabbath
The Time of Jacob’s Trouble [2]
24:21 For then
[1] shall be great tribulation
[this is the time of Jacob's trouble (Dan. 12:1;
Luke 17:28)—of Jacob (Israel) and the so-called "lost tribes" of Israel, not the
Church (Jer.
30:7)—when the wrath
of God is being poured out during the last 3 ½ years of The
Antichrist Covenant
week [and
70th week] while the
Antichrist is
persecuting Israel (Dan. 9:27)],
[a.] such as
was not since
the beginning of the world
[12.] to this time, no,
[13.] nor ever shall be.
24:22 And
[2] except those days should be
[a.] there should no flesh be saved: but
[3] for the elect's sake [the Jewish elect]
[a.] those days shall be shortened.
False Messiah’s and prophets shall arise
24:23 Then [while the remnant of the nation is hidden in the wilderness (Rev. 12:6, Rev. 12:14)]
[1] if any man shall say unto
[a.] Lo, here
[is] Christ [the Anointed One, the Messiah],
[b.] or there
[he is];
[11.] believe [it] not.
24:24 For there shall
[1] false Christs
[false Messiahs,
i.e., many who say they are anointed], and
[2] false prophets, and
[a.] shall
show great signs and
[b.] [shall
show great] wonders;
[11.] insomuch that, if [it were] possible,
[aa.] they shall deceive the very elect [Jewish elect].
24:25 Behold,
I have told
you before [Jesus taught on more than one occasion what would
transpire just prior to His second coming].
24:26 Wherefore if they
shall say unto you [Jewish/Hebrew remnant],
[1] Behold, he is in the desert;
[a.] go not forth:
[2] behold, [he is] in the secret
[a.] believe [it] not.
The second coming of Jesus is as a flash of
24:27 For
[1] as the lightning cometh
out of the east, and
[b.] shineth
even unto the west;
[2] so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be.
24:28 For
[3] wheresoever the carcase is [Jesus at the
marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-9),
the supper of the great God (Rev. 19:17),
and the battle of that great day of
Almighty God…Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-16; Rev. 19:17-19;
c/p. Isaiah 63:1-6)],
[a.] there will the eagles be
gathered together [to eat the flesh of kings,
captains and the mighty men of the earth (Rev. 19:18; Matt 24:28;
Luke 17:34-37)].
[1] The present West Bank includes portions of Judea and Samaria they were during the earthly ministry of Jesus. The original land Joshua gave to the tribe of Judas, however, reached from the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, even to the present Suez Canal (the River of Egypt; c/p. Josh. 15:1-12). The precise borders of Judea and inhabitants thereof cannot determined with complete accuracy until the time for fulfillment has come.
[2] In Luke 17:28 this time period is referred to as the days of Lot.
© 1997-2009 Walter J. Taylor; Walter James Taylor
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