The 144,000 are seen in Mount Sion [Zion]:

the place of God's throne


Rev/ 14:1  And I looked, and, lo,

            [1]  a Lamb stood on the mount Sion [Mt Zion in heaven; c/p. Heb. 12:22-24], and

            [2] with him an hundred forty [and] four thousand,

[a.] having his Father’s name written in their foreheads (Rev. 7:3-4).


 14:2  And [1] I heard a voice from heaven,

                        [1] as the voice of many waters [Jesus], and

                        [2] as the voice of a great thunder [the Father]: and

[2] I heard the voice of harpers [the zoe and the elders of Rev. 5:7]

[a.] harping with their harps:


14:3  And they sung [the 144,000] as it were a new song

            [1] before the throne, and

            [2] before the four beasts, and

            [3] [before] the elders: and

no man could learn that song

[a.] but the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand, which were

[11.] redeemed from the earth.

 14:4  These are

            [1] they which were not defiled with women; for

            [2] they are virgins**. These are

            [3] they which follow the Lamb

[a.] whithersoever he goeth [during His 1,000 year reign on the earth].

            [4] These were redeemed from among men [natural men],

[a.] [being] the firstfruits [of the reborn nation Israel]                        

[11.] unto God and

                                    [12.] to the Lamb.


[** The 144,000 are redeemed men of the 12 tribes of Israel—raptured in natural bodies.  They sing a new song in heaven of national deliverance.  These 144,000 male virgins (vs. 14:4), are the male seed of Abraham which God will join with the woman in the wilderness (Rev. 12:1, Rev. 12:6, Rev. 12:14)—the female seed of Abraham—which God has hidden during the period of His wrath.]


 14:5  And

[1] in their mouth was found no guile: for

[2] they are without fault before the throne of God.


Angels must now preach the gospel


The first angel’s* message:

God’s final call prior to judgment


 14:6  And I saw another angel

            [1] fly in the midst of heaven,

            [2] having the everlasting gospel to preach

                        [a.] unto them that dwell on the earth, and

[11.] to every nation [the way of salvation is still open (c/p. Rev. 5:9; Rev. 7:9)], and

                                    [12.] kindred, and

                                    [13.] tongue, and

                                    [14.] people,

 14:7  Saying with a loud voice,

            [1] Fear God, and

            [2] give glory to him;

                        [a.] for the hour of his judgment is come: and

            [3] worship him that made

                        [a.] heaven, and

                        [b.] earth, and

                        [c.] the sea, and

                        [d.] the fountains of waters. 

[*God must now use angels to preach the gospel, because the Church and the 144,000 have been raptured, and Enoch and Elijah—His 2 witnesses—have been killed and resurrected (Rev. 11:3-12).]

The second angel’s message:

Babylon, the great city, is fallen


 14:8  And there followed another angel, saying,

[1] Babylon is fallen, is fallen,

                        [a.] that great city,

                        [b.] because she made all nations drink of

[11.] the wine of the wrath of her fornication.


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