13:15 And
[h.] he had power
[11.] to give life
unto the image of the beast [the science of holography
will do this, today],
[12.] that the image of the beast should both
[aa.] speak, and
[ab.] cause that as many as would not
[111.] the image of the beast
[112.] should be killed [it is the image, itself, that will be able to
determine who is and who is not worshiping it, and to target execution for the
13:16 And
[i.] he causeth all [within his
both small and great,
[12.] rich and poor,
[13.] free and bond,
to receive a
[aa.] in their right hand, or
[ab.] in their foreheads:
13:17 And
[j.] that no man might
[11.] buy or
[12.] sell, save he that
[aa.] had the mark, or
[ab.] the name of the beast, or
[ac.] the number of his name.
[1] Let him that hath understanding [the wise of
Dan. 12:3,
Dan. 12:10]
[a.] count the number of the beast: for
[11.] it is the number of a man; and
[12.] his [the man’s] number [is]
Six hundred
threescore [and] six.
[***here is wisdom: to read the number of this man produces the number 666; to count it produces the number 18. See also Endnote #15, The Chronological Revelation]
© 1997-2009 Walter J. Taylor; Walter James Taylor
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