Pg 4
key verse of Daniel
And [some] of them of understanding (c/p.
Dan. 12:10)
[1] shall fall,
[a.] to try them, and
[b.] to purge, and
[c.] to make [them] white, [even]
[11.] to
the time of the end: because
[aa.] [it is] yet for a time appointed[i]. [The time of the end is a set time, which cannot and will not be changed by the course of human events.]
Attributes of the Antichrist
And the king [the king of the north / the Antichrist]
[1] do according to his will; and
[2] he shall exalt himself, and
[3] magnify himself above every god,
[4] shall speak marvellous things against
the God of gods, and
[5] shall prosper
till [the time and length of his
reign is fixed] the indignation be accomplished:
for that that is determined [decreed; he can do only what is
written of him]
shall be done.
[6] regard the God [Strong’s
#430; the Hebrew word, elohiym, when used with the direct article
usually denotes the Supreme God; it strongly suggests the Antichrist
is a Jew which has risen to power in Syria (c/p. Joseph in Egypt, and Daniel
in Babylon); in any event, he is clearly a son of Shem and a son of Abraham,
and will not arise from Europe] of his fathers,
[7] nor the desire of women [possibly a
[8] nor regard any god: for
[9] he shall magnify himself above all [the
pride of his father, the Devil].
[10] in his estate shall he honour
the God of forces [Strong’s #4501, light,
candlestick, fortresses]:
and a god whom his fathers knew not
shall he honour with
gold, and
silver, and with
precious stones, and
pleasant things.
Thus shall he do
in the most strong holds
with a strange god,
whom he shall acknowledge [and] increase with glory: and
[11] he shall cause them to rule over many, and
[12] shall divide the land for gain.
[[i]] God’s purpose for this lengthy historical section (Dan. 11:2-34)—fulfilled in minute detail throughout recorded history—is so that at the time of the end anyone (both Christian and Jew) who reads this book can—with absolute reliability—trust in the prophetic and historical word-pictures described. In his time of great tribulation (the first 3 ˝ years before the midweek rapture of the Church (Rev. 7:14), the Christian can be assured that, greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4), and that, this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith (1 John 5:4). As for the Jew, in his time of Jacob’s trouble (the last 3 ˝ years of both the Antichrist Covenant week and the Daniel’s 70th week, during which time the wrath of God is being poured out on an unbelieving world (Jer. 30:7; Dan. 12:1), he can take comfort in Psalm 121:1, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. The hill to which he looks for help is the Mount of Olives, from which Jesus shall descend and enter the temple in Jerusalem at His second coming (Zech. 14:4,9).
in Daniel are the following
1. The Book of Daniel contains the prophecy of the seventy weeks of years (Dan. 9:24-27). Daniel's 70th week of years (Dan. 9:24) is divided: 3 ˝ years in the ministry of Jesus on the earth, and 3 ˝ years in the coming "ministry-reign" of the Antichrist. The last 7 years of this age—The Antichrist Covenant week of years—before the second coming of Jesus [the Messiah], begins with the signing of a 7-year peace covenant between the nation of Israel and the Antichrist (Dan. 9:27): who is the Syrian head of a Middle-Eastern/European confederacy of 10 nations (the Revised Roman Empire).
After 3 ˝ years (at midweek) this covenant is broken (Dan.
3. The executor of this covenant with Israel is a king whose ascendancy to power can be tracked by following the little horn (Dan. 7:8; Dan. 7:20; Dan. 7:24; Dan. 8:9) that came out of this 10-nation confederacy located in the territories formerly ruled by Rome (Dan. 7:7, Dan. 7:20; Dan. 7:24). He uproots 3 of these nations in his rise to power (Dan. 7:8; Dan. 7:20; Dan. 7:24). He is identified as the king of the north (Dan. 11:6-8; Dan. 11:11, 13, 15; Dan. 11:40), and is a Syrian. [This can be easily determined from countless historical records of ancient Greece and Rome concerning who is the king of the north in fulfilled prophecy.] Finally, by studying the history of Antiochus Epiphanes, prophesied in Dan. 11:21-45 and recorded in the historical books of 1st and 2nd Maccabees, a detailed composite drawing is presented of the Antichrist—the man of sin, and the beast out of the sea of Revelation 13:1 (see How To Quickly Locate the Antichrist in Scripture).
The king of the north is Syria (Dan.
The king of the south is Egypt (Dan. 11:5).
will fall to Syria at the time of the end (Dan. 11:42-43).
At or before midweek, the 10-nation confederacy of revised Rome
give their
power, authority, and kingdom to the Antichrist
(Rev. 17:12-13).
destroy the great religious whore city (Rev.
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