The angel Gabriel brings the answer to Daniel's prayers
Dan. 9:20 And whiles I [was]
[1] speaking, and
[2] praying, and
[3] confessing
[a.] my sin and
[b.] the sin of my people Israel, and
[4] presenting my supplication before the LORD
my God
[a.] for the holy mountain of my God;
9:21 Yea, whiles I [was] speaking in prayer, even
[1] the man Gabriel (Dan.
[a.] whom I had seen in the vision
at the beginning,
[12.] being caused to fly swiftly,
touched me
about the time of the evening oblation.
9:22 And
[c.] he informed [me], and
[d.] talked with me,
[11.] and said, O Daniel,
[aa.] I am now come forth
[111.] to give thee skill and
[112.] [to
give thee] understanding.
9:23 [bb.] At the beginning of thy supplications
(Dan. 10:12)
[111.] the commandment came forth, and
[cc.] I am come to show [thee];
[111.] for thou [art] greatly beloved [c/p. Dan. 10:11, Dan. 10:19]: therefore
[dd.] understand the matter, and
[ee.] consider the vision.
9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon [490 years: seven weeks (49 years) to rebuild Jerusalem; sixty-two weeks (434 years) from the completion of the city to the Anointing of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan (Matt. 3:13-17) which time Jesus became the Messiah1, or the Christ2. The first half of Daniel’s 70th week of years was fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus at His first coming. In only 3 ½ years of ministry, Jesus fulfilled the will of God for His life on the earth. Since His resurrection, God's prophetic time clock has been turned off. Satan's man, the Antichrist, will get no more time to minister his anti-anointing than the 3 ½ years Jesus had to minister His true anointing. The Syrian who is to become the Antichrist will execute a 7-year peace treaty with Israel (vs. 27). This is the beginning of The Antichrist Covenant Week of Years. He does not actually become The Antichrist or the The Anti-Anointed One, however, until midweek: when he enters a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem to sacrifice a pig on the alter (Dan. 11:31; Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14). God's prophetic clock is now turned back on for the final 3 ½ years of this age. [See How To Quickly Locate the Antichrist in Scripture; see also notes below on verse 27.]
[1Heb, mashiyach (Strong's #4899; anointed, the Messiah: the anointed one and His anointing; from #4886, mashach', a prim. root; to rub with oil, to anoint, by impl. to consecrate); 2Gk, #5547, Christos, anointed, the anointed one and His anointing, the Messiah; from #5548, chrio, to smear or rub with oil, by impl. to consecrate]
[1] thy people [the Jews / Israel
(Dan. 12:1)] and upon
[2] thy holy city [Jerusalem],
[a.] to finish the transgression, and
[b.] to make an end of sins, and
[c.] to make reconciliation [atonement] for iniquity, and
[d.] to bring in everlasting righteousness, and
[e.] to seal up
the vision and
[the] prophecy, and
[f.] to anoint the most Holy [to Anoint Jesus (the Messiah and the Christ) as
King of Kings and Lord of Lords over the earth for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:4-6)
at His second coming to the earth (Rev. 19:11-16; Zech.14].
[2] understand, [that]
[a.] from the going forth
the commandment to restore and
[12.] [the commandment] to build Jerusalem
unto the Messiah
[unt0 the anointing of the Anointed One by John the Baptist—note:
the time period concludes at Jesus anointing, not at His birth or His
death and resurrection] the Prince [shall be]
[111,] seven weeks, and
[112.] threescore and two weeks:
[aaa.] the street shall be built again, and
[aab.] the wall [shall be built],
[1111.] even in troublous times.
[1] after
threescore and two weeks
[a.] shall Messiah be cut off,
[11.] but not for himself
[but for the sin of the world]: and
[2] the people [the armies of the
Antichrist: not the army of the Roman General, Titus, who in A.D. 70 destroyed
of the prince
[11.] shall destroy the city
[Zech. 13:8-9; and 14:1-2]
[12.] [shall destroy] the
sanctuary; and
the end thereof [the city and the sanctuary] [shall be]
[111.] with a flood, and
unto the end of the war
desolations are determined.
The reign of
the Antichrist
in the Last Half of
9:27 And
[1] he [the
prince that shall come (vs. 26): the
head of Syria who is to become the
How To Quickly Locate the Antichrist
in Scripture] shall
confirm the covenant
[a.] with many [with the nation
Israel and the nations of the
revived Grecian
[b.] for one week [the
last 7 years of the Age of Grace]: and
[11.] in the midst of the week [at midweek or 3 ½ years]
[aa.] he shall cause the sacrifice [to
cease] and
[bb.] [he
shall cause] the oblation to cease [the
Antichrist shall break his covenant with
Israel and enter the temple in Jerusalem (c/p.
Dan. 8:8; 11:31)], and
for the overspreading of abominations
he shall make [it] desolate,
even until the consummation,
and that determined
shall be poured upon the desolate.
[*Please keep in mind that Daniel’s 70th week of years is divided: 3 ½ years during the ministry of Jesus, and 3 ½ years during the reign of the Antichrist. However the Antichrist Covenant week is the last 7 years of the age of grace before the second coming of Jesus and His millennial reign over the earth. These two time periods overlap during their final 3 ½ years of the Age of Grace. See also The vision of the 2300 evenings and mornings.]
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